June Anderson Center for Women and Nontraditional Students
Pinnacle Honor Society
Current Pinnacle Officers

Khadijah Alnassari
Major: Biology/Sociology Double major with a minor in Arabic

Ashley Jacobson
Major: General Science/Animal Science Double major

Claudia Roselio
Major: Biochemistry
Pinnacle is MTSU’s chapter of the national Pinnacle Honor Society for nontraditional students, generally over the age of 25. Our MTSU chapter makes exceptions for students with adult responsibilities who are not yet 25. In addition to the 3.0 GPA required for undergraduates (3.4 for graduate students), Pinnacle looks at previous community service, volunteer work, and honors which the student has earned in life.
Why Join Pinnacle Honor Society?
If you are a non-traditional student who excels in your college work, Pinnacle membership will celebrate your academic achievement as an adult learner. It can mark to others, on your resume, for example, that you were an above-average student without them having to look at your transcript. Alumni Pinnacle members tell us that it helped them during a job interview. It has also become a nice supportive group for those who have chosen to become active leaders in the organization.
The Pinnacle Honor Society was founded by Dr. Frank Julian, a faculty member and administrator at Murray State University in Murray, Kentucky, in 1989. Dr. Julian recognized the dedication of nontraditional students and the institutions’ inability to recognize these deserving students because of unobtainable requirements developed by traditional honor societies. Traditional honor societies recognized the accomplishments of typical traditional students (i.e. full-time students who have on-campus leadership responsibilities). In many cases, nontraditional students work full-time, attend college part-time, and care for family members. Many nontraditional students also live miles away from their school and attend via distant learning opportunities. So, Pinnacle was designed with those nontraditional students in mind.
Where does the membership fee go?
Pinnacle dues are a one-time $50 fee. The national Pinnacle Honor Society organization receives $30 for each new member. The national organization provides each new member their personalized Pinnacle certificate, a letter of welcome to the organization, a seal for their diploma, and a Pinnacle lapel pin, and the shipping cost of these items.
The remainder goes to MTSU’s Pinnacle chapter. We use that money to provide a variety of programs, benefits, and activities for our members, and for costs that might not be covered by Student Activity Fee funds. This money also covers part of the cost of the annual Nontraditional Student Dinner and Pinnacle Induction ceremony, which is held every fall.
Need More Info About Pinnacle?
Please contact our officers at mtsupinnaclemedia@gmail.com for details. Pinnacle membership is open to all adult learners who are juniors and seniors with a 3.0 GPA or graduate students with a 3.4 GPA. An online application for membership is available for your convenience. Don’t forget to mail or bring in your check by the deadline to complete your online application.
Pinnacle National Honor Society
1301 E. Main Street, Box 1
Murfreesboro, TN 37132
Leadership Roles
Pinnacle Honor Society has opportunities for members to become active in the leadership as President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Event/Programming Chair, & Social Media Chair. Applications are typically accepted in March/April for upcoming academic year, however may be open at other times due to graduations.
Group Responsibilities:
Be an ambassador for the group. Actively participate in group meetings. Plan, implement, and participate in activities around campus. Actively recruit members and/or volunteers. Have fun and remember we are here to support and encourage non-traditional students.
Please see our bylaws on https://mtsu.campuslabs.com/engage/organization/pinnacle for the most updated content.
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Office Location & Hours
Student Union 330
Monday - Friday
8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Appointments available by request. Please email maigan.wipfli@mtsu.edu (direct), jacwns@mtsu.edu (office), or call 615-898-5812.